Monthly Archives: March 2024

Spring is (sort of) here!

Things have been busy here. Some health issues have derailed me a bit, but still there are seeds to plant and seedlings to transplant and warmer days to look forward to.

And Hot Cross Buns to make for the Easter season! Which interestingly enough, evidently date way back to ancient Egyptian times, with the four sections of the sweet bun said to represent the four seasons of the year. No matter what, they are delicious!!!!

Birds are migrating back. Today I heard an Eastern Phoebe calling. The Red Wing Blackbirds have been singing their haunting, rusty song on the swamp that sits on part of our yard for a couple of weeks now. And a Bluebird couple has been visiting the houses we put out for them, choosing which one to call home. My Pussy Willows have woken, fuzzed out, and moved on….much earlier than usual. And the Spring Peepers, those teeny, tiny chorus frogs with the giant voices, have started calling. An old timer told my husband the other day that Spring is not REALLY here until the Peepers have called out 3 times. I believe that we have heard them twice now, so I guess one more time and they should keep up their song and Spring will REALLY be here. We shall see. My onion sets and seed potatoes have arrived…which means the beds must be prepared for planting. Garlic, which was planted last October and mulched down for the winter, has started poking its leaves out of the ground.

And crocuses are blooming everywhere!

But still, March likes to remind us that Winter may still want to play, as this brief snowfall one day after the Vernal Equinox showed us. Our temperatures have been swinging wildly between the 50’s to the 20’s.

That is March. And its best illustrated in this poem by Hart Crane: